Tuesday, June 30, 2009

An Award for Me?

When I originally started this blog on my myspace, it was just a place to put my thoughts down on paper. (I know it's not paper but please--follow along) Then a couple of friends commented saying that it's helped them with their spiritual journey so I moved it to blogger. Now, even though it's still written for my own thoughts and prayers, pride gets to me and I wonder, "Does anyone else read this? Do they like it??

So I was honored, when Sue from In Him We Live and Move and Have Our Being gave me an award for having an "exceedingly charming" blog. Now then--"charming" isn't exactly manly and what a man looks for but I'll let the pride come in and say, "I'LL TAKE IT!!" :-)

Without further ado, here is the text of the award:

"This is how the award works: This award is bestowed on to blogs that are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

Before I list off my 8 choices, it says I am supposed to list seven random fact about myself.

  1. I grew up in a small town in Northwest Missouri named, "Tarkio."

  2. I started out with Excelsior Springs, MO PD and now work for Kansas City, MO

  3. If I had a last meal I would chose steak, baked potato and corn on the cob.

  4. I love listening to "The Catholic Guy Show" on Sirus 159/XM 117

  5. My wife and I met at Missouri Western State College

  6. I have an acute sense of sarcasm

  7. My wife is smoking hot--I could probably walk across a bed of hot coals because I'm accustomed to touching her.

So here are my 8 picks for "Most Charming Blog." Although--I can't say they are charming but I enjoy going to them:

  1. The Deacon's Bench Meet Deacon Greg from Brooklyn, NY

  2. The Curt Jester A guy who tackles serious subjects but doesn't take himself too serious.

  3. Fr. Jim Chern's Blog The homilies of the type of priest you'd like to share a beer with

  4. Catholic Spiritual Direction The type of blog that makes you go, "Whoa!"

  5. Creations Infinite My brother in laws blog showing off his artwork

  6. lolSaints interestingly enough--I can't stand lolcats but this is funny!

  7. American Papist Definitely not charming but the dude keeps you up to date on stuff!

  8. Catholic Cartoon heh heh heh